
Casual blue

Somehow when I think about the weekend I picture casual things. Having no hurries, oceans of time (ok so the latter may be far of the truth), pyjama mornings, lazy afternoons... But still, when the weekend ends I always have time short for all of the things I secretly had in mind to do. So this weekend I'll plan to not have (much) plans, hmmm. Who doesn't like that, no? Are you up to anything upcoming days? Whether it's planned or if you're going to seize the moments, I hope you'll have a good time.
Images: 1, 2, 3 & 4


  1. Love that soft blue! As for the weekend I am crossing my fingers that we get sunny weather for a change and then maybe we'll go for a walk in a park.

  2. I'm back ... and I want that scarf!

    This weekend I was thinking about doing absolutely nothing. Well, of course I'll do something but I'm not planning anything. I'll read my friend Coco for sure, maybe with a glass of rosé in the Nightingale Park. That sounds good, right ;-)

  3. The image of the macarons in the paint palette is lovely!

  4. AnonymousMay 20, 2011

    Jolie colour,
    This weekend is my birthday!


  5. Lovely! I've been thinking and thinking of what to do this weekend. I know I want to finish a book.. I may end up doing some shopping with all the blue I'm seeing :)

    Enjoy yours!

  6. Spending time with the fam is my weekend goal. I'm definitely doing a little bit of sister bonding/shopping, too. Hope yours goes well!

  7. yesss i think i'll take a cue from you and remind myself it's ok to slow down on the weekends! love this powdery blue!


  8. Love these pictures! My favourite weekends are spent doing nothing in particular, but this weekend has been hectic! Luckily it's raining here so I have an excuse to stay indoors and trawl blogs! Hope you had a good weekend!

  9. I'm having an extremely lazy & casual weekend and loving every single minute of it :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Christel! xoxo

  10. After an uber busy week, I find myself wanting to stay in and recharge. We have to attend my son's Hip Hop recital today - should be entertaining - but just cancelled an afternoon appointment.

    I love that feeling when you give time back to yourself.

    Hope your weekend was restful!!
    xo Elizabeth

  11. gorgeous blues...love this color in interiors and clothing ...beautiful!!

  12. Soooo pretty ... I love pale blue. Always wanted a wood bench painted a glossy pale blue in my backyard ... wouldn't that be pretty and striking amidst all the green? My weekends are usually VERY busy unless I plan way ahead, as my illustrated posts are on Mondays ... and my "weekends" end up being on Monday and Tuesday! ;) Hope your weekend was simply fabulous, darling. xoxo

  13. As always, I looove your board. And that pale blue is so beautiful, only not the most complimentary for my complexion. Hope you had a relaxing weekend. We had a wonderful one, celebrating our best friend's 30th birthday on the top of the mountain. :)
