
Those first warm sun rays

Hello there. Did you enjoy your weekend? I would say Spring has arrived here in Holland, the temperatures keep rising, its stays light longer at night, the sun is warming everything up. We had lunch outside for the first time this year and took Ollie to the beach. He went wild, it was just wonderful to see him running, having so much fun.

Somehow the first warm sun rays not only give Spring vibes but also Summer memories and longings. These beautiful campaign shots and the movie from the Nonoo Spring/Summer collection completely represents those feelings. Being outside, enjoying nature, life, cold drinks, walks (and new clothes)... Its those little moments when time seems to stands still. What is it that you enjoy most in Spring (or Summer?)

Images via Nonoo


  1. Spring obviously has arrived with brighter days and singing of birds. When the cherry trees start blooming I'll be in my spring element 100% ;-)

    It was interesting to see the cruising boats in that wonderful video because when we lived in Iceland the arrival of foreign cruising boats in the Reykjavik harbour was the sign of summer (spring arrives so late in Iceland, over there it's more like going straight from winter to summer).

  2. I love the clothing and the spirit of this campaign. The best part of spring for me is the feeling of renewal when all the trees and flowers start blooming and the beautiful warmth of the sunshine as well.
    rolala loves

  3. Hi Christel, great you've enjoyed the weekend :-D Strange, the weather in Germany was a bit cold, cloudy and rainy... Hm. Did you send us this weather? ;) However - you hear it from the growing concert by all the birds outside, by the slowly rising warmth - spring is coming and is leaving the winter behind. FINALLY!
    The pictures from the campaign are illustrating this feeling perfectly! Just beautiful.
    At this time I often stop by blooming trees and flowers and admiring it to the limit. HELLO SPRINGTIME! :-D
    Happy Monday to you!

  4. We're enjoying the first signs of spring here too. :) This is a beautiful campaign, so carefree. What I love the most about spring and especially summer: the long days and long hours after work, the sun light, the optimism it induces me, the short trips I can take, al fresco dining, and much much more. Have a wonderful week, Christel! xo

  5. Lovely! The second dress is divine!

    Spring is my favourite time of year. The best thing about it is when the first flowers start to bloom, when I can take long walks with my pug Thea and leave my jacket at home!

  6. Supervrouwelijk!! Prachtige achterkant van de jurk in de 2e foto.
    En het was zeker lekker weer gisteren, ik las net in de Telegraaf dat het deze week
    kan oplopen tot 20 gr.!! hmmm...hopend op een mooie lente en aansluitend een
    echte zomer.

  7. That is wonderful you are seeing the first signs of Spring! It is only slightly starting to get cooler in the evenings here. These are such beautiful and dreamy shots + are perfect to create the mood for the warmer months to come. I hope you had a lovely weekend Christel xx

  8. We've had our first warm sun rays here in Chicago this weekend, and oh! did it feel good! Those images capture the feeling perfectly, I especially love #s 2 and 4. Happy Monday!

  9. Barbeques! Unfortunately, the Kiwi summer this year didn't exactly lend itself to long evenings outside... Oh well, next year!

    Andrea x

  10. Such a stunning campaign... it reminds me of summer in Provence for some reason.

    Spring has also touched down (at times!) here in London- what a wonderful feeling isn't it?!

  11. Great clothes, like the dress in the second picture.
    I enjoy having coffee outdoors in Athens or Piraeus (by the sea) in Sping time!



  12. What a lovely collection! And I agree with you...as soon as the temps begin to warm up my mind rushes right on over to summer. I have the sandals out already and I'm dreaming of the beach house. Even picked up lots of things for summer while I was shopping this weekend. :) xoxo

  13. Gorgeous images--makes me want to jump right into the photos! I think eating outside is high on my list of favorite things about spring and summer. Hope you are having more lovely weather!

    xo Mary Jo

  14. Oh, how I long for Spring and Summer. I thought we were close to having a lovely early Spring, and then, out of the blue it snowed this morning… it rarely, if ever snows in March here, so this was a complete surprise! Thank you for sharing this inspiration—such pretty pictures :)

  15. I'm still confused about the weather, but I desperately want spring to arrive! And I've already placed a selection of (very heavy) winter clothes in the dry clean basket to smooth the transition to lighter pieces...
