
Sophisticated hues

Hello Monday! What have you been up to this weekend? I've pleasantly read the new issues of Rue and Matchbook. Since devoting so much time to the internet I think online magazines are perfectly fulfilling nowadays needs. It's quick, more easy to save inspirations or directly search for more information on things you like, plus its visually challenging in a stimulating way. I still have a BIG heart for printed magazines too, but I do like these kind of future developments. Tell me, do you agree with me or do you look at this differently? I'm curious...
If you don't already have, do take some time to look at the online issues mentioned above. They're great! Instead of sharing their content I thought I'd share a few personally appealing inspirations today.
Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6


  1. I agree online magazines are much more easy to find inspiration in and so comfortable to browse, but I have to admit that I love more the paper magazines, I love when I find at stands a new issue of my favourite magazine. They basically inspired my love for fashion.

  2. I love all your moodboards! So beautiful and inspiring! =)
