
Items from my wardrobe and a great idea to organise them

Have you ever felt like Cher (Alicia Silverstone) in Clueless, making all kinds of combinations with your clothes on screen? That feeling got to me recently, when I was introduced to the fabulous iPhone application 'Netrobe'. Ok so my closet can't rotate and it isn't as huge as Cher's, but the app is a great way for organizing your clothing pieces and accessories by capturing them and filing them under categories. Even better is that you can easily come up with new outfit combinations. It takes a little time getting used to working with the app and depending on the size of your wardrobe to file it all, but it feels very rewarding. When the founder of this great idea asked me to be featured on their blog (thank you) with my wardrobe I couldn't say no. Today sneak peek photo's from my Winter wardrobe and an interview went online. I had much fun capturing my clothing pieces and working with them in an organized way. To be honest my closet is rather messy most of the time... If that sounds familiar maybe using Netrobe would be a good idea;) If not, I'd love to hear how you keep it organized!

Image © Captivated by Image | Video © Netrobe


  1. I'm always looking for new ways to organize my closet and this sounds like a great app for wardrobe building. Great interview and I loved the peek into your wardrobe. Lovely style Christel!

  2. This app looks great! I love apps that help you become more organised :) Loved your interview too and the peek inside your beautiful closet! xx

  3. I haven't heard of this app but definitely plan on checking it out! Thanks for the intro. xo

  4. Your jewelry is very pretty! I do the basic sleeveless to long sleeved shirts on top in light to dark colors and then jackets and hoodies on the bottom in my closet but my dresser is a total disaster. Something like this would be very helpful.

  5. I loved that sneak peek into your wardrobe, so beautifully styled by you. And I think your brother did a really good job with capturing you.

    I think I'd have to have a whole lot more of clothes before I started thinking about organizing them with an app. I just keep it simple, arrange them colour-wise ;-)
